Saturday, August 15, 2009

I wonder if anyone else experiences this phenomenon...

Have I watched the Back to the Future movies so many times that my house has fallen into the space time continuum? (WOW! spellcheck says spelled continuum corectly!!!! Gonna go buy a lottery ticket!)

Walking into different rooms of my house causes me to skip ahead or fall backwards in time. Pouring a cup of coffee, it's 18 minutes after the hour. Step about 8 inches to the right, in front of the stove, and it's only 14 minutes after. Walk four feet to the left and I'm in the living room at about 9 after. COOL! Pouring coffee has gained me nearly ten more minutes of this beautiful day....hmmm.

The computer tells me, when I sit down to "surf", that it's about 21 after. My cell phone tells me it's only a quarter after....Now, one would think, that TPTB (that's: the powers that be) at AT&T would know what the correct time is. Aren't they hardwired into the system at Greenwich? OR what about TPTB at Microsoft or whoever's in charge "out there?" Don't they have a Seiko or Bulova to consult? (Bulova Bob Saling would've sold them one, I'm sure.)

Anyway, this particular continuum causes a great deal of grief in my household...When I tell the boys their computer time is up, and it's bedtime, they always claim to have 5 more minutes. How exactly did they get AT&T to be in cahoots with their plan to stay up into all hours of the night on the web?

And then what happens when it's time to leave to go somewhere? If I'm running late, but leave from the living room, does that help me MAKE UP time to get there? If I walk past the coffeepot, will I be five minutes late to church that morning?

I used to have a similar dilemma when I had my extensive watch collection. (For those of you who missed it, I mention my watch obsession in I Wonder If I Should Even Be Telling This...) I could be fashionably late or pleasantly prompt, depending on which watch I chose to wear that day. Or depending on which school building's bell system I had set said watch with. FYI, there is a continuum between the Intermediate and the Primary buildings as well. Just so you know.

I definately blame this on Michael J. Fox.


  1. Addendum: You gain a month just walking to the north end of my house. I just found a calendar that was still on July!!!

  2. There are many things I blame on MJ Fox. My hairdo for most of my teenage years for one. But not my clock problems! :P I will admit to having a very similar situation to yours. It bothers me when all the clocks don't match. Not in an upsetting way. But the room feels a bit off-kilter and there is this itch inside my brain. Other than that it's fine .. really .. [nervous twitch] .. I'm cool, honest.

    We should have that system we had back in school. Remember when they used to reset the clocks each year from the "master control" buried somewhere deep inside an inner sanctum of time protectium, underneath the very foundations of all education? We'd stop class, because the noise of the clock being reset was horribly loud. And we'd all sit there and watch as the clock was reset as we watched (no pun intended there). But I always thought that was the coolest thing!
