Sunday, August 2, 2009

RE-BLOGGING (or, I Wonder What's in Your Fire Safe?)

Having gone through a house fire this year, I know from whence (*and wince*) I speak. To coin a phrase, been there, done that, no longer have the t-shirt because it burned up! Suffice it to say, this topic has been on my mind recently.

One of our first purchases, after clothing to wear (we left the house in sleeping pants, t-shirts and shoes/no socks), and personal hygeine items (didn't even have a brush or comb), was a fire proof box. We bought a file folder size box with a lock in order to keep our important documents safe in the (please, Lord!) unlikely event of another tragedy.

Now—as a procrastinator of the first order, I haven't put EVERYTHING in there that needs to be. But, even so, it's getting fuller. There are things inside that need to find their true home in the regular file cabinet with everyday papers. And, there are things we salvaged from the house after the fire, that need to be secured in the fire safe now that we have one.

I'd like to put all sorts of things I want to protect inside and keep them out of harm's way. I still think of things I lost (IF you know me, you know I am talking about my extensive collection of books!) that I wish we had be able to save. I now know more than ever how precious photographs and momentos are. And I can think of other material things I miss that I wish could have been saved -- a favorite pair of jeans, or my most comfie shoes, CDs, video tapes…I could go on, but you get the idea. Many/most of these material things are eventually replacable.

Sometimes I'd like to put my sons inside to protect them from the world in general. But the box we bought is just not large enough. Plus I'm not sure it would be considered "fireproof" once I added the air holes!

So, now to the real point of my message…What do we deem important enough to save and protect? What material posessions do you place in high regard? Include them in your fire safe. -- But, don't forget that your REAL treasures can't be stored on Earth.



  1. That's a fine post if ever I've read one. I have to admit, I'd somehow missed out on the this story that you all had a house fire.

    It's probably too late to offer but if you all need something, please don't hesitate to ask. We've been out of touch for a long time but I've thought about you and Gary a lot. So if there is something I can do to help, just say the word.

    And congrats on the first blog post. It's new and shiny!

  2. Thanks! Appreciate the support!
